Fraunhofer Portugal - Home

Remarkable technology, easy to use. Fraunhofer Portugal is a non-profit private association founded by Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, the largest organization for applied research in Europe.


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Dance! Dont Fall

Don t Fall allows you to monitor your risk of falling while. Actively reducing it through fun and easy exercise. Learn the steps and follow along with video or audio cues. You receive feedback on your dancing and risk of falling. Play with friends and rank your performance. Answer a short questionnaire to determine if you are at risk. Also for your Google TV. Works best with a holster.

Hugo Peixoto - Intro

Rails and PostgreSQL prepared statements leak. Ubuntu, rvm and contributing to rails. The beginning of OpenID at FEUP. I build web services, in all kinds of languages. I detect and mitigate vulnerabilities in web applications. I develop and deploy web applications, backend and frontend.

In Location Alliance

Best Use Case Winners 2014.

Mover - Are you a mover!

Mover is a new and exciting way to track. The way you move! Be part of an worldwide experiment about movement! Mover is an exciting app that allows you to track your activity level and helps you become more active. Mover includes also an experimental fall detection algorithm.

Escola de Surf - Onda Pura

Cinco dias de Surf inesquecíveis! Surf Camps Porto Surf e SUP Safari. Campos de Férias 6 aos 16 anos. Background Horizontal Checkered, old-style vector. Onda Pura Escola de Surf em Matosinhos. Uma escola de surf com anos de experiência. MARCA JÁ A TUA AULA. Conhece o mar e o seu comportamento. Acompanhamos a tua evolução passo a passo. Prepara a tua próxima surf trip. Cá estamos de volta para mais um Campo de Férias incrível! 351 967 347 697.

Smart Companion

The main features that Smart Companion provides to a user. An easy to use unlock mechanism with an also quick method to establish an emergency call in case of need. The main screen, with large icons for easy access to applications and providing useful information on the top bar. Effortlessly establish calls to contacts or new numbers.


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I revealed that the main root page on took two thousand five hundred and fifty-seven milliseconds to come up. We discovered a SSL certificate, so in conclusion I consider this site secure.
Load time
2.557 secs
Internet Protocol


I observed that is weilding the Apache operating system.


Fraunhofer Portugal - Home


Remarkable technology, easy to use. Fraunhofer Portugal is a non-profit private association founded by Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, the largest organization for applied research in Europe.


This domain states the following, "A made in Portugal technology for IoT growth." We analyzed that the web site stated " ACP Street Libraries coordinated by Fraunhofer Portugal AICOS benefits 20." It also stated " Fraunhofer Portugal AICOS applies Internet of Things into industrial environment. Can a smartphone assess the risk of falling while performing usual daily activities? ShopView an Automated Solution for all hypermarkets. Mozambique will receive the first pilot related to Sustainable Village for Development project."


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Praxis Dr.Teubner und Regensburger

Dies ist der Internetauftritt der Praxis Dres. Sie finden uns in der Fraunhoferstr. Leider unterstützt Ihr Browser keine Frames. Oder ermöglichen Sie Ihrem Browser die Darstellung der Rahmen in den Einstellungen.

Theater Theater im Fraunhofer

Unsere Veranstaltungen und Künstler und viele mehr finden Sie im Spielplan. Alle Infos zu Karten und Reservierung finden Sie hier. Wir freuen uns auf euer Kommen. Im Fraunhofer Wirtshaus and Theater ist nur Barzahlung möglich! .

Fraunhofer Venture

Portfolio and Ausgründungs- und Beteiligungsstrategie. Um den Transfer ihrer wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse zu befördern und dem wachsenden Gründergeist in den Fraunhofer-Instituten gerecht zu werden, hat die Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft 1999 ihre Abteilung Fraunhofer Venture ins Leben gerufen. Wollen Sie mehr über uns erfahren? .

Reiterferien für Kinder Jugendliche und Schulklassen, Schwimmbad, Riesentrampolin, Billard, Kicker, Beachvolleyball uvm.

Reiterferien für Kinder, Jugendliche und Schulklassen. Lohe 5 91550 Dinkelsbühl Tel. Reiterferien für Kinder, Jugendliche und Schulklassen - Wanderritte - Tagesritte - Wochenenden - Wanderreitstation. Wir haben wieder 2 freie Plätze in der 2. Ein kleiner Infofilm über unseren Reiterhof. Der Film erhebt keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit,. Hier sieht man den Reiterhof Fraunholz im Winter.